Text Twist Solver
It helps you win word games like Text Twist, Scrabble, Words with Friends, Super Text Twist etc.
Text Twist Solver is a simple and free online tool for solving word puzzles. It helps you find words that can be made from twisted words and letters.
You could use this for Scrabble, Super Text Twist, Text Twist 2, Anagrams, Jumble etc. Sometimes it may return nothing, that usually means no valid words can be made from those letters. It's a simple and fast text twist unscrambler. Let me know if there is any issue with the website or you want to suggest something to make it better.
Looking for an example?
Here is an example to get a rough idea on how this works. You enter hist and hit the "Solve it" button. The solver will return the results including these anagrams on top.
- hits
- shit
- this
- sith
- hist
Other words are his, hit, its, sit (three letters) and hi, is, it, si etc as two letter words that can be obtained by twisting the given letters above. Of course, you can filter the words by using the 'options' button available above.
Update: If you’re a regular user of this site, you may have noticed some changes in overall design and some additional features, feel free to send me any feedback or report any errors.